邱盛秀副教授 分機:4616

發布日期 : 2015-02-11
邱盛秀副教授 Justine Sheng-hsiu Chiu
Phone: (03)3282321 # 4300, #4616
Email: shchiu@mail.cpu.edu.tw

一、 研究專長與興趣:
1. 法律語言學
2. 認知語言學
3. 語言與媒體
4. 語言與政治
5. 隱喻、認知與文化
6. 語用與認知
7. 語料庫語言學與語言教學

二、 學歷:
1.國立台灣大學語言學研究所博士 (Ph.D. in Linguistics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
2.美國賓州大學語言學碩士 (M.A. in Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A.)


2.美國明尼蘇達大學 (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, U.S.A.) 語言教育研究所訪問學者

1.國科會補助國內專家學者赴國外參加國際學術研討會 (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012)
2. 台灣大學邁頂計畫「島嶼的形成與流動」研究生傑出論文獎 (2011)
3. 教育部補助博士班研究生出席國際學術會議獎學金 (2008, 2009, 2010)
4. The International Association of Social Linguistics全額補助赴英國參加第十八屆社會語言學國際學術會議 Social Linguistics Symposium 18 (SS18, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Sep.1-4, 2010) 並發表論文
5.蔣經國國際學術交流基金會補助獎勵學者參加國際學術會議 (2009)

六、獲獎 (within 7 years):
1. Huafan University Outstanding Teaching Design and Materials Award (2014)
2. Huafan University Outstanding Learning Sheet Design Award (2014)
3. Huafan University Outstanding Teaching Award (2011, 2014)
4. Huafan University Outstanding Advisor Award (2009, 2011, 2013)
5. Huafan University Excellent Research Award (2012)
6. Huafan University Excellent Teaching Award (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013)
7. Huafan University Excellent Counseling and Service Award (2012)
8. Huafan University Excellent Advisor Award (2008)
9. Huafan University Excellent Teaching, Research, Counseling and Service Award
(2011, 2012, 2013)

(一) 論文審查
1.受邀擔任Asian Ethnicity國際期刊 (SSCI)論文審查者
2.受邀擔任 International Journal on English Language and Literature (SSCI)國際
3.受邀擔任Open Linguistics國際期刊論文審查者
4.受邀擔任國立政治大學Taiwan Journal of TESOL(TJTESOL)英語教學期刊論文
8.受邀擔任2012年國際語言與溝通學術研討會議 (The International Symposium
on Language and Communication) 論文審查委員
9.受邀擔任國立台灣大學語言、言談與認知學術會議 (The 6th Conference on
(Language, Discourse and Cognition) 論文審查者
10. 受邀擔任淡江大學Tamkang Review期刊論文審查者

(二) 國際學術組織會員
1. Linguistics Society of Taiwan (LST)
2. International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL)
3. Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS)
4. English Teachers’ Association of the Republic of China (ETA)

八、學術著作與成果 (within 7 years):
(一) 期刊論文
1. Chiu, S. H.* and Chiang, W. Y. 2012. Representations of Name Rectification Movement of Taiwan Indigenous People: Through Whose Historical Lens? Language and Linguistics 13.3: 523-568. (SSCI, A&HCI)

2. Chiu, S. H.* and Chiang, W. Y. 2011. FIGHT Metaphors in Legal Discourse: What Is Unsaid in the Story? Language and Linguistics 12.4: 877-915. (SSCI, A&HCI)

3. Chiu, S. H.* and Chiang, W. Y. 2007. The Conceptualization of STATE: A Comparative Study of Metaphors in the R.O.C. (Taiwan) and U.S. Constitutions. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 33.1:19-46. (TSSCI, THCI Core)

(二) 研討會論文
1. Chiu, S. H. 2015. The Comparison Among Three Constitutions: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach. The International Association of Forensic Linguists 12th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law (IAFL12). Center for Forensic Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. 2015/07/03-2015/07/10.

2. Chiu, S. H. 2014. FIGHT Metaphors in Legal Discourse: Revisited. The 20th Anniversary of GIL International Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 2014/11/08.

3. Chiu, S. H. 2014. WAR Metaphors in Mandarin Chinese and in English: An Examination of Idioms and Proverbs. The 10th International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor: Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education (RaAM10). University of Cagliari, Italy. 2014/06/20-2014/06/23

4. Chiu, S. H. 2012. A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach to Vagueness in Legal Discourse. The 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC4). Kings College London, United Kingdom. 2012/07/10-2012/07/12.

5. Chiu, S. H. 2012. A Cognitive Approach to Fight Metaphors in Legal Discourse: Framing or Reframing? The 9th International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM9). Lancaster University, United Kingdom. 2012/07/04-2012/07/08.

6. Chiu, S. H. 2010. What Can STATE Metaphors Tell Us? A Cognitive Approach. Social Linguistics Symposium 18 (SS18). University of Southampton, United Kingdom. 2010/09/01-2010/09/04.

7. Chiu, S. H. 2010. Uncovering STATE Metaphors in Constitutions. The 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC3). University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. 2010/07/06-2010/07/08.

8. Chiu, S. H. 2010. Representation of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: Whose Historical Perspectives? The 8th International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor: Metaphor in Cross-Cultural Communication (RaAM8) VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2010/06/30-2010/07/04.

9. Chiu, S. H. 2009. Metaphorical Representation of Formosan Aborigines: What Is Untold in the Reports? 第十屆全國語言學研討會 (NCL 2009) 元智大學, Taiwan. 2009/11/27-2009/11/28.

10. Chiu, S. H. 2009. News Representation of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan: The Case of Name Rectification Movement. The 2nd International Conference on Political Linguistics. Lodz University, Poland. 2009/09/17-2009/09/19.

11. Chiu, S. H. 2009.The Interaction of Subjectivity and Inter-subjectivity: Stance-taking in Legal Discourse. The 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC11). University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. 2009/07/28-2009/08/23.

12. Chiu, S. H. 2009. Mitigation as a Stance-marking Strategy in Courtroom. International Association of Forensic Linguists 9th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law (IAFL09). VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2009/07/05-2009/07/10.

13. Chiu, S. H. 2008. WAR Metaphors in Legal Discourse: A Reminder of Their Perils. The 7th International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor: Metaphor in Cross-Cultural Communication (RaAM7). Caceres, Spain. 2008/05/29-2008/05/31.

14. Chiu, S. H. 2007. Exploring STATE metaphors in Constitutions. New Zealand Discourse Conference: The Challenge of Discourse Analysis (NZDC). AUC University, Auckland, New Zealand. 2007/12/6~2007/12/8.

1. (2014) 北二區教學資源中心暨華梵大學主辦全國中等教師研習營。 講題:「言有盡意無窮-談英文閱讀與學習」。
2. (2013) 華梵大學課程與教學創新行動教師研習營。講題: 「微觀環境與教材設計」。
3. (2012) 受邀成功高中班級演講。講題: 「從知識學習到能力獲得:談英文學習」。
4. (2011) 受邀石碇高中教師研習營演講。講題: 「以致能教學提升語言課程的學習成效」。
5. (2010) 受邀延平高中班級演講。講題: 「語言與認知: 談英文能力的培養」。