
本系師生共同參與並協助「2023 AAPS International Conference Technological Advancements in Policing and Criminal Justice」

發布日期 : 2023-12-29
Preparation for 2023 AAPS annual conference
1. In recent years, the application of emerging technologies to police, criminal justice and crime issues is still on the rise. For example, the use of AI technology and big data analysis in the criminal justice system has led to the formation of Smart Policing and Smart Prisons. These topics are all worth discussing and sharing in the conference.
2. According to the decision of the executive committee, the 2023 annual conference continues to be hosted in Taiwan, and Mr. Yuan-Ming Yang, president of the Central Police University, will be elected as the chairperson to organize and prepare the 2023 annual meeting between December 19 and 21, 2023. The theme of the 2023 conference is “Technological Advancements in Policing and Criminal Justice.”
3. Currently, scholars and experts from the fields of international policing, criminology and criminal justice have been invited to deliver 5 keynote speeches. A total of 32 papers at 10 thematic panels will be presented. In addition to promoting academic exchange and expanding the international visibility of Taiwan's technological advancements, we also hope to learn from other countries’ AI emerging technologies in the fields of policing and criminal justice to improve the quality of crime investigation and prevention in Taiwan. 